AFHE (State support)
Eastside Explorers operates under the guidelines of Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE), the leadership of which works tirelessly to secure our continued homeschool freedoms. Accordingly, we encourage membership and participation in AFHE for each of our member families.
(from their website,
AFHE exists to inspire parents to home educate their children; promote parent-led, family-funded, relationship-based home education; and preserve the freedom to homeschool.
Sponsor the Annual Arizona Home Education Convention and Curriculum Fair
Publish the Arizona Home Education Journal
Host a support group leadership conference
Provide senior high and junior high graduate recognition ceremonies
Award scholarships for post-secondary education
Encourage participation in local homeschool support groups
Sponsor regional workshops
Maintain an up-to-date website resource
Communicate with the homeschool community through monthly e-newsletter, legislative updates, and social media
Educate the public on the laws and merits of parent-directed home education
Monitor and guide state and national legislation affecting homeschooling
Defend the right to homeschool
Maintain the least restrictive laws and policies for home education
We operate from a Christian perspective and make decisions from the ethical and moral standards established in the Bible. We believe that parents are responsible for the education of their children. We believe that parents have the God-given right to education their children at home. We believe that all education has an implicit worldview. We believe that government funding of education will inevitably lead to oversight and control. We believe families should remain informed about homeschool laws at both the state and federal levels.
We are not:
A substitute for a homeschool support group
A correspondence school or curriculum provider
A substitute for membership with HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association)
You are encouraged to learn more about how membership in AFHE helps secure homeschooling freedom for generations to come. Check out their website today!