Terms of Service Agreement
By submitting this membership form, I am confirming that I have read Eastside Explorers' complete Member Handbook and agree to respect their Statement of Faith, Honor Code, Participation Guidelines, and Membership Specifics.
I understand that:
- Memberships are offered “by family” (one per family) under the presumption that the family is currently educating or planning to educate their children at home according to A.R.S. §15-802-G-2. Eastside does not extend membership to families enrolled in virtual charter schools or public-school-at- home programs.
- At least one child per family must be a minimum of six years of age.
- Membership requires a very small volunteer commitment. Inability to fulfill your commitment will result in being "parked" (temporarily suspended and/or removed) as a member.
- Eastside Explorers reserves the right to deny membership to any applicant who could reasonably be deemed to pose a safety risk to our group. Likewise, we reserve the right to revoke any memberships without refund based on conflicts of our By-Laws, Statement of Faith, Code of Conduct or by a majority vote of our Board.
- Prospective members may visit a Park Day or select a Small Group meet-up before joining our group. (Contact us HERE to coordinate that!)
- All persons wishing to become members shall apply for membership by 1.) contacting our Director of Membership for an interview and, if both parties agree that EE is a good fit, 2.) Submit a new member application along with yearly membership fees.
- We intend to keep our group flexible to the changing needs and creativity of our members. Members may form small groups, programs, classes, or events within Eastside Explorers as desired once approved by one or more of the Board of Directors.
- LIABILITY -- Eastside Explorers is not responsible for injury or illness; it is the parent's responsibility to always watch their children. Eastside Explorers is held harmless for business transactions or personal interactions between its members.
- CO-OP CONFLICT OF INTEREST -- Members may participate in other co-ops. However, members may not serve in leadership positions within those co-ops. Any member who demonstrates such conflict, questionable intentions, or actions that create division within our group or with members may be asked to leave the group.
- CLASSES -- Classes within Eastside Explorers are optional. If I decide to enroll in a class, I agree to make monthly tuition payments by the 1st of each month to the teacher(s) or be subject to a $20/class late fee. Failure to make tuition payments on time may result in removal from EE. All EE class payments are paid to teachers directly and, as such, are non-refundable.
- PHOTOS -- I permit EE to use my children's photos for website or yearbook privileges. If I disagree with this, I will personally let event, field trips, and meet-up leaders know that we can not include my children in photos.
- MEMBER COMMUNICATION -- I understand that Eastside communicates with its many member families via forum posts and emails, and I take responsibility for reading these communications timely in order to stay updated on events, registration deadlines, and the many other items of importance regarding my family's membership and participation.
- Because our members entrust us with their personal contact information, we will not release this information to any organization – whether profit/non-profit “friendly” or otherwise. We also require that our member families treat this list in like manner, including refraining from using personal information for any form of solicitation.
- REFUND POLICY -- Members enjoy a 14-day grace period during which they will receive a full refund of their membership fee if requested in writing to the President. After 14 days of membership, no refunds will be given for a member-initiated withdrawal. Membership fees will be refunded within 10 days to those applicants whose membership has been denied.
Eastside Explorers is a completely volunteer-led homeschool group. At least one parent from each family must commit to serving in Eastside on a short-term, volunteer basis by planning one field trip per year or assisting once per semester in a small group of your choice. Contributions by our members are not only minimal, but they are a necessity in making Eastside successful.
Each member must commit to the following*:
- Agree to follow our By-Laws, Code of Conduct, Terms
- Respect our Statement of Faith
- Understand that EE leaders are unpaid volunteers who give their own time and talents. It is your responsibility to see to it that you fulfill your volunteer commitments, submit payments, or stay active within the group. While we are here to fully support you and your family, we expect each family to be proactive in their membership.
- Fulfill your volunteer commitment promptly by contacting our Membership Team to coordinate immediately after registration or renewal.
- Be an active participant - attend a minimum of ONE non-class day event per month (i.e., park day, field trip, small group, party, etc.)
- Watch your children at all events or coordinate help from another parent
- Submit yearly membership dues and update your Family Profile
- Communicate promptly with leadership - this involves reading emails and responding within a reasonable timeframe
- Pay any field trips, class days, or other fees at the time of sign-up. Non or late payments may result in removal from events, classes, or the EE group.
- Be a friend — we have many new families and members without any extended family out here. Share a smile, set up a playdate, get to know each other, and have fun on your homeschool journey together!
* Any conflict or non-fulfillment of these items may result in being removed from the group.